Where Automated Technologies and Super-Fast NVMe Drives Come Together
As the world slowly transitioned to a more advanced and futuristic technologies such as automated manufacturing, self-driving vehicles, and augmented reality, it takes long periods of time to develop due to strict regulations to make the technologies sufficiently safe and perfect to protect others who are behind it. Rushing technologies that could potentially risk the life of others requires years of research and development or could end up in catastrophic consequences. The operation of automatic technologies are highly data driven because the process relies on data input from sensors, camera modules, and specialized software to make decisions. The components that are used make up the "Brain" that memorizes what it should do, should not do, and how it would do when it detects a possible mishap. With extreme trial and error involving technologies, there is a substantial amount of data collected in order to get it just right and safe for the person behind it to use. Therefore, having a removable data drive is essential to improve productivity when taking out of an autonomous driving computer and transferring it to your main computer system where it is then taken a closer look for analysis.